Enhancing DNS Object

First of all I wanted to thank you for this maintaining this project and as a user I am absolutely in love with this project. However, I wanted to know if it is possible to enhance DNS object in order to use DoH more effectively. These include “Hosts”, “DNS-Fallback”, and “Fragment Outbound”.

Currently, I use this type of DNS object in my config:

  "dns": {
    "servers": [
        "tag": "dns-os",
        "address": "local",
        "detour": "direct"
        "tag": "dns-bootstrap",
        "address": "",
        "strategy": "ipv4_only",
        "detour": "direct"
        "tag": "dns-doh",
        "address": "https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query",
        "address_resolver": "dns-bootstrap",
        "strategy": "ipv4_only",
        "detour": "direct"
        "tag": "dns-block",
        "address": "rcode://success"

But it would be great if this option was available in sing-box:

  "dns": {
    "servers": [
        "tag": "dns-host",
        "address": "hosts",
        "hosts": {
          "cloudflare-dns.com": [
          "domain:youtube.com": [
        "tag": "dns-os",
        "address": "local",
        "detour": "direct"
        "tag": "dns-bootstrap",
        "address": "",
        "strategy": "ipv4_only",
        "detour": "direct"
        "tag": "dns-fallback",
        "address": "",
        "strategy": "ipv4_only",
        "detour": "direct"
        "tag": "dns-doh",
        "address": "https://cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query",
        "address_resolver": "dns-hosts",
        "strategy": "ipv4_only",
        "detour": "fragment",
        "fallback": {
          "enabled": true,
          "timeout": 5,
          "fallback_dns_tag": "dns-fallback"
        "tag": "dns-block",
        "address": "rcode://success"

Also, I must mention after v1.5.3 update (also v1.6.0 beta.1) and fixing android 14 compatibility, Arm-v7 releases are experiencing crash. A friend of mine suggest the problem is with “bbolt”.